Adult Christian Education at Tokyo Union Church

Silence by Shusaku Endo

An insightful book about the Hidden Christians in Japan, the Adult Christian Education class worked through Shusaku Endo’s book Silence and viewed videos about this critical time in Japan’s history.

Materials and Resources

Hidden Christians in Japan

The classes viewed the Japanology Plus Videos broadcast on NHK World-Japan to reflect on how Hidden Christians practiced their faith and the legacy that they have today.

Tokyo Union Church: The Past Informing the Future

In celebration of God’s faithfulness for 150 years to Tokyo Union Church, the classes viewed videos regarding various aspects of TUC’s history.

Theology Without Borders: A Global Conversation

Looking to the future, Tokyo Union Church’s Adult Education Class has started a conversation about Global Christianity, seeking to listen more and looking to see the influence of culture in theological practice. In the process, we heard stories from members of Tokyo Union Church, sharing their history and their faith reflections.

Growing Through Grief

This class aims to provide a safe and supportive environment for participants to engage in discussions about grief. It focuses on building community and fostering connections among group members. The objectives of the class include exploring the nature of grief, its manifestations in personal lives, and finding ways to move forward in light of the reality of grief.